Claremore Attorney | Helps With Marital Dispute

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Claremore Attorney | Helps With Marital Dispute

This is for anyone who’s going through the same things right now. You may feel that your trials are pretty bad. You may not have someone who understands you. Someone who can take your side.

I’m here to tell you otherwise. A Claremore Attorney once listened to my story. He took my side. He gave me a newfound strength to go on. This was despite the problems between me and my wife.

So, let me tell you my story. I’m an unpublished author. I write a lot of manuscripts. None of them have been published. Well, not yet, anyway.

I dropped out of a computer degree in college. I realized that I didn’t want to work on computers. I didn’t want to spend my life writing programs, or troubleshooting. The way things went, it was a long road to Silicon Valley. Especially with my mundane skills.

That’s why I went into my first love. And that was writing. I loved writing about a good story, as much as reading one. Maybe even more.

After quitting college, I took a day job at a coffee shop. At first, I just took orders. Then I learned how to make coffee. I even learned to help out with deliveries.

At night, I did my writing. I found out early on that it was my prime time. I could go on writing for hours then. Mostly, I wrote fantasies. But sometimes, I also wrote mysteries.

I met my future wife at my day job. We both worked at the coffee shop. We got along so well back then. For months, I thought I’d never need the help of a Claremore Attorney.

But things changed after we married. At first, it was just like any fairy tale marriage you get to read in books. The more optimistic ones, anyway. But things got worse after a few months.

Thoughts of the future got us into many spats. I say spats, and you’d think, “Meh, it’s just a mild argument.” No need to worry about the little fights, my friends say. But a Claremore Attorney would have thought otherwise.

But after all, it’s the little things that make up the big ones. In time, things got worse between us.

In time, we got a kid.  He’s a great boy. My wife and I loved him equally. So, you’d think we’d find a way to get through our differences. But nothing could be further from the truth. Our worries were just getting worse.

We got into fights over the smallest things. Sometimes, we’d fight about our parents. She hated my mother’s guts, and I hated her mother’s. Sometimes, we’d even fight about the laundry machine. I thought the old one was fine, but he wanted a new one.

To this day, I still regret not listening more to her. I really should have bought that new laundry machine. I could have taken out a loan, maybe even an installment. I could have also tried playing at online casinos. My luck had always been good.

In retrospect, gambling might have made things worse. So, I guess it was a good thing I didn’t try.

Marriage, after all, is about compromise. You talk about your problems, and finds ways to fix things. Or, at the end of the day, you might have to find a new partner.

Finally, things came to a head. My wife took me to court. It was partly her mother’s idea. To do my wife credit, he cited “irreconcilable differences”.

I learned later on that what we had was a no-fault divorce. It was my Claremore Attorney who told me about that. Turns out, it was the most logical charge to file. Not only that, it cost cheaper, too. After all, my wife and I did not make millions. Thank God.

Imagine how things would have been if I were a rock star. Or a highly paid Hollywood actor. Or Hugh Hefner’s secret love child.

Our divorce trials probably would have taken decades!

My first attorney wasn’t very good with his job. He even looked very much bored at the trial. It was like he was just working for the sake of the paycheck. He also had this irritating tendency to say his name. He’d stand up at court, say his name, and make a statement. After the statement, he’ll say his name again before sitting down.

It was an irritating habit. I pointed it out to him many times. He argued that it was some sort of intimidation tactic. I wasn’t convinced. I think he just liked the sound his name makes.

The trials were quite stress-inducing. At the end of every one, I’d be tuckered out. At times like this, my friends would take me out for a drink. There was one good thing about all this. My friends always paid for each drink I had.

At one of these sessions, my friend Ray introduced me to a lawyer friend of his. As it turned out, he was the Claremore Attorney.

he listened well to my tale of woe. At first, I thought she’d laugh. But he didn’t. he looked me straight in the eye, hanging on every word I said. he even gave a sympathetic pat here and there. After he heard about my attorney, he offered to take his place.

he gave me two good reasons why.

The first one was that he believed in my cause. She was passionate about her clients. She didn’t just work for money. Most of all, he had no illusions about her skills.

The second one was, he said he could change my wife’s mind. As it turned out, he had some units in Psychology. It was another career path he thought about. At least, before he met someone who got her into law.

So, that’s how things went. Once at court, he handled things in such a way that a settlement was reached. During the discussions, he waxed brilliantly about marriages. It brought tears to my wife’s eyes.

In the end, things turned out for the better. And I have my attorney to thank for it.